I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Vice-Chairman George Owen at 1600 hours. Members present: George Owen, Bill Britton, Dee Potter, and Mike Williams. Member absent: Larry Helsley. Others present: Chief Alvord, Mike McMillan, Bob Simmons, Sleeper Ernie Curran, and District Clerk Marjie Watkins.
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting February 7, 2012 -
B. Approve Warrant Lists and Journal Entries – MSC: Britton/Potter to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
A. Discuss /Approve Old Fire Station leased to the Clampers has a leak in the roof, fiscal impact unknown – Mr. Bob Simmons reported there are leaks in the roof on both sides, he believes on side can be fixed by replacing nails, the other side may need to be replaced. A copy of the latest lease will be provided to Mr. Simmons per his request. Mr. Simmons will have an estimate ready for the next regular meeting. This action item is tabled to the next regular meeting.
B. Discuss/Approve 4 invoices to be sent to small claims court or written off – It was recommended by our Legal Advisor Mr. Hammer to send 2 claims to small claims court, and to write off the other 2 claims. MSC: Williams/Britton to file 2 invoices in small claims court and write off the other 2 invoices.
C. Discuss/Approve replace flooring at Station #2, fiscal impact of $875.10 – Station 2 carpet has been pulled, the best flooring option is roll out linoleum. MSC: Britton/Williams to approve the amount of $875.10 to replace the flooring at Station 2.
D. Discuss/Approve Firefighter Response System, fiscal impact of approximately $1500 – Chief Alvord reported on how the Firefighter Response System works and the 1-3 year contract. A desktop computer was just donated for the system, so the approximate cost will be less than estimated. The Department reported that they will split the cost of the annual system. MSC: Britton/Potter to approve a 3 year contract with the Firefighter Response System.
E. Item of Immediate Need – MSC: Williams/Britton that the CalFire VFA 50/50 grant is an item of immediate need since the due date if prior to the next regular meeting. Chief Alvord reported he would like to ask for 4 Bendix King Radios, the fiscal impact will be $1500 - $2000, and will be added to the next year’s budget. MSC: Britton/Williams authorized Chief Alvord to apply for this grant.
Title: (District Clerk) – No public comments, Board entered into closed session at 1645 hours.
V. REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION: (54957.1) – Entered back into open session at 1757 hours, Vice Chairman Owen reported staff was given direction to find a temporary employee for the Boards Clerk while on maternity leave. They will bring a decision back to the board.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Mr. McMillan reported that Firestorm is back to work. Ten Cent Gulch project has been completed and looks great. 10 sites have been completed, 11 jobs are ready or are in progress. Possibly 5 new sites. Mr. McMillan identified 2 areas, Oregon Mountain and Ponderosa Pines in Lewiston; he has sent out mass mailing to residents and is awaiting responses to start the projects.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Alvord thanked Kane, Ernie and Mike for all of their extra hard work this past month.
Plan reviews – New Building plan for Trinity Lumber, 2 hydrants will need to be replaced.
Training – CPR is scheduled for April 18th, Captains Academy has 27 students and is in full swing, and Probationary training has been Wednesday nights during Captains Academy. There was discussion about Shasta College fire grounds training, Earthquake preparedness class, and the State requiring background checks for any medical certificate higher that First Responder. Campora has agreed to donate propane to the drill on May 18 & 19th.
Vehicles – 2112 values 3 and 4 are out of service, wipers are fixed, and service was completed. Air Trailer has been fixed and Bauer gave us a credit of $400 on account to go towards our next service. Swiss Phone sent a service tech out last week and gave our pagers all new firmware.
Misc – Kelly Sheen form T.C.R.C.D. has made new hydrant maps which will eventually be made into a map book. AFG grant was awarded to us for ventilation equipment. Office of Transportation and Safety grant will be completed by Chief Dooly on behalf of 7 agencies, there is no grant match, we are asking for air bags, rescue ropes, 2 sawzall’s and a portable generator. Firefighter Howard was released back to full duty. 1 fire in a hot water heater closet in Weaverville, 2 house fires in Douglas City, 1 fatality house fire in Lewiston, and 1 shed fire in Junction City.
Sleeper Program Reports – Sleeper Curran reported he has been working at Station 2 and doing his regular work at Station 1.
C. Committee Reports:
a. Recruitment Committee – Chief Alvord reported we submitted for the Safer Grant for Recruitment and Retention over a course of 4 years totaling $100,000.
b. Collections Committee – None
c. Contract Committee – Chief Alvord reported the committee will review the Fire Response System contract.
d. Tuition Committee – None
e. Budget Committee – Commissioner Potter reported the budget committee met and there are not suggested changes.
D. Directors Reports – Commissioner Britton thanked everyone for all of their hard work.
V. CORRESPONDENCE: Trinity County Amateur Ham Radio Club sent a thank you letter for moving the antenna from the air port to TCLS. SDRMA sent us a letter thanking us for 28 years of being with them and they sent a reimbursement check as a thank you. Trinity County LAFCO requested a member of our Board to attend a Special Districts Meeting.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1728 hours.
Approved: April 9, 2012
______________________________ _____________________________
Vice-Chairman, George Owen Marjie Watkins, Clerk